Homeopathy is a system of medicine that treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability.

Our services include:



Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. Based on the principle of the ‘Law of Similars’ it involves the administration of ultra-dilute remedies, with the aim of stimulating the bodies capacity to heal itself.


The name Biopuncture originates from combining the word biotherapeutics (bio) with acupuncture (puncture). Biopuncture is a therapy whereby specific locations are injected with biological products.  

Homeopathy adopts a holistic approach encompassing a natural, gentle system of medicine


Homeopathy is a medical system using a holistic approach to treat a variety of health problems, with emphasis on treating each patient as an individual, taking into account their specific needs relating to their illness.

Homeopathy's is safe for all ages, including the young and the elderly.  It is also safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and can be used alongside or in conjunction with conventional medicine. Patients often make the choice to visit a homeopath for an in depth consultation, aimed at finding and treating the root cause of a patient’s illness. 

The homeopath aims to remove the cause of the symptoms that the patient presents with, as well as the symptoms themselves.

‘The Physician’s highest and only calling is to make the sick healthy, to cure, as it is called’

Samuel Hahnemann

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Contact one of our qualified Homeopaths or arrange to visit the clinic

What is Biopuncture?


Biopuncture is a therapy whereby specific body locations are injected with biologically active substances which are physiologically regulating.  These substances are used to stimulate natural healing, regulate the inflammatory process, and stimulate the detoxification mechanisms of the body.  Most injections cause only minor discomfort because they are very shallow, given just under the skin or into the muscle.



What kinds of products are injected?

Products commonly used in biopuncture are known as anti-homotoxic remedies which are made according to the theory of homotoxicology.  They are usually made as complex remedies, having several ingredients in one ampolule.

Are products safe for me?

The solutions are not in high concentration. They contain diluted products. Therefore, toxic side effects are very unlikely. The medications used in Biopuncture are manufactured by companies that guarantee the production quality of their products. Most of the solutions are made in Germany, under strict quality control regulations. 

Reproductive Health

Most of us are under some level of stress, and while a certain amount of stress is good for the body, too much stress can have a negative domino effect on a number of body systems including the hormonal or endocrine system.

Dr. Claire Speckmeier has completed the Complementary and Alternative Medical Approach to Reproductive Health through university of Johannesburg. She uses a holistic yet individual approach which incorporates homeopathy, diet and lifestyle interventions, as well as addressing nutritional deficiencies in order to promote healing and regulate the hormonal and reproductive systems.

